Professor Roland Peyron is Associate Professor for Neurology and Pain, holding positions at the University of Claude Bernard in Lyon and the Hospital of Saint-Étienne at the Neurology department. He is also part of the NEUROPAIN Team, at the Lyon Neuroscience Research Center (CRNL), which is a Multidisciplinary Neuroscience Center.
Professor Peyron has attained a graduate degree in Neuroscience which was extended to a certification in Clinical Neurophysiology.
Currently, his field of research is mainly physiology of pain and pain processing, pathophysiology of neuropathic pain, and invasive (surgical neurostimulation) or non-invasive (transcranial magnetic repetitive stimulation) analgesic techniques. In the NEUROPAIN team, they study of the mechanisms of transmission, perception and cortical control of human pain, in physiological and pathological conditions.